Tran's GIS Portfolio
Name: Vu Tran
Phone: 720-499-5870
About me:
Current Geospatial Analyst from Axim Geospatial.
Strong backgrounds in spatial analysis, digitize spatial data, data management, data collection (GNSS, Collector, Field Map), Web-Mapping (ArcGIS Online, JavaScript , CSS, HTML) and GIS programming (ArcPy, Python).
Interactive Dashboard: Average Housing Cost In Colorado by County
This Dashboard Shows us the basic statistic on Housing in Colorado such as: total housing unit, vacant housing unit, occupied housing unit, home price in 2016, home price 2020, and percentage increase in home price from 2016 - 2020.
I make this dashboard out of personal curiosity. The data was pulled from Zillow. Please follow the link below to access the full dashboard:
Web Mapping: The Spreading of invasive Zebra mussel In USA (Story Map)
This is a group project that I have done in my GIS Visualization course. My two teammates are: Jeffrey Huang and James Seaward. We decided to make a story map (JavaScript - using Leaflet library) to show the spread of the invasive zebra mussel in the U.S as well as policies that were introduced by States and Federal government to slow the spread of this species. Follow this link to take a look of our story map:
Model Builder: Suitable Sites for Additional Camping Space in Yellowstone National Park
Identify Optimal Sites for Additional Tent Camping in Yellowstone National Park. Optimal sites cannot be too close to existing campgrounds, but close enough to road that pristine wilderness areas remain harder for most campers to access. Additionally, the campgrounds needs shade.
Model Builder: Greenspace Modeling
Create a greenspace model that the Town of Amherst can use to predict where deer are most likely to countinue intruding into the urban core in order to modify street lights and signage, and work to mediate the collisions.
Model Builder: Mapping Percentage of Cropland in South Central Ohio Counties - Dasymetric Mapping
Create a Dasymetric model of 1959 cropland percentage in south central Ohio using four variable: Two limiting variable and two related variable to convert choroplethic map to a dasymetric map.
Model Builder: Hydrological Modeling
Model the flow of water across a surface (hydro network). Use the hydro network to build a model to map out the polluted watersheds downstream.
Model Builder: Best ski resort in Colorado
This project required collecting ski resort data (polygons) within Colorado and designed a model using Model Builder (ArcGIS) to pick out the best ski resort in Colorado based on three criteria (listed on the map). The model that was used is posted under the map.
GIS Programing: Build a Machine Learning Model to Predict Coral Bleaching.
Use Python and ScikitLearn (A python machine learning library) and the spatial data from Florida Institute of technology on coral bleaching to train my model. This data includes my target variable (Percent Bleaching) and many feature variables.
Train this data on 5 different models : Linear Regression, Lasso, Ridge, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Stochastic Gradient Boosting, and Adaboost.
Best perform model is Gradient Boosting.
GIS Programing: Predicting Coral Vulnerability at the Florida keys by Building a Kriging Model.
Use Python and ArcPy Library to build a Kriging model to predict the coral vulnerability at Florida Keys by using three Indicator Variables:
Total Organic Carbon
Sea Surface Temperature
GIS Programing:
Potential Acid Mines Drainage in Colorado
Used ArcPy and Python to find potential acid mine drainage in Colorado. Data from US Forest Service was used. The data includes: three shapefiles of point feature of Abandoned Mines, Water Testing sites, Tailings Sites (Mines Dumping Sites). Used Spatial Join to join the point features to the watershed (polygons) to count the number of points within each watershed. Created a new field called Site_Score, append the sum of points to this field. Used Site_Score to classify the watershed.
Python Code:
GIS Programing: Suitable Sites for Residential Developments
Used ArcPy and Python to determine suitable sites for residential development by creating Boolean grids. National land cover data (raster) of Fort Collin area were used. Suitable sites were determined base on 5 criteria (sum of all 5 Boolean grids, the final the suitable pixels will have value of 5):
Python Code:
GIS Programing: Measure 2d and 3d shape of watershed
Used ArcPy and Python to calculate 2D and 3D: circular ratios, areas, perimeters, centroids, length to centroids and relief ratios of 4 watersheds and append the data to the attribute table
Python Code:
GIS Programing: Sampling grids
Used ArcPy and Python to create sampling grids (multipoint) for three interested areas (polygons). Calculated the percentage growth of agriculture lands from 1993 to 2003 of interested area
Python Code:
GIS Programing: Clean-up City of Westminster's Property Data
Property data of the City does not match with County's parcel data (a topology problem). Solved by created a Python script (using ArcPy library) to match each polygon to another (if county parcel's centroid is within the city property's polygon, then select the county parcel and copy all attribute data from the city's polygon)
GIS Programing: Populate City of Westminster's Access Point's Attribute
Assign each access point (to a park) a park type. Depends on which park that access point belong to. Use Python, ArcPy and Panda Libraries to automate the process of assigning park type for each access point.
GIS Programing: Select City of Westminster Road Constructions and Addresses
Automate the process that select all addresses which would be affected by certain road constructions. The front of the house has to face the road for the address to be selected.
Buffer the road to a distance of 1000 feet
Clip the addresses (point feature class) to the road buffer
Select addresses which has the same name as the street (thus facing the street)
City of Westminster: Map of Private Parcels Which Are Within 150 feet of the Project Area
Extract the high water line from the elevation layer - based on the given definition
Draw a new "Equestrian Area" polygon based on two criteria:
Minimum 150 feet from high water line
Minimum 100 feet from existing road
Use select by location to select all private parcels which are within 150 feet from Project Area.
City of Westminster: Equestrian Trails Proposal at South Standley Lake
Create a new feature class that contain the project area and the area of proposed equestrian trails for South Standley Regional Park.
City of Westminster: Create a Geodatabase and Digitize Turf Grass, Field and Court Data for Parks
Create and maintain Grass geodatabase. Use ArcPro edit tools and NearMap Satellite image to digitize Turf, Field and Court data for Westminster's Parks. Work with other departments to fill in the attribute data for these polygons.
Data Collection and Web Mapping: City of Westminster's Open Space Fence Lines and Gates
Use Field Map and GNSS device (Bad Elf, Trimble R1) to collect data of Open Space Fence Lines and Gates.
Use ArcGIS Online to create a web map and editable web app.
Data Collection and Web Mapping: City of Westminster's Signs
Use Field Map and GNSS device (Trimble R1) to collect data of Open Space's Signs.
Use ArcGIS Online to create a web map and web app .
Data Collection and Web Mapping: City of Westminster Trash Cans
Use Field Map and GNSS device (Bad Elf) to collect data of Open Space and Parks Trash Cans
Use ArcGIS Online to create a web map and web app
City of Westminster: Digitize Fence Lines for Open Space
Use ArcMap edit tools and NearMap Satellite image to digitize Fence Lines data for Westminster's Parks. Work with other departments to fill in the attribute data for these lines.
City of Westminter: 36x38 inches Property Map
This map is designed to show the overall locations of City of Westminster's properties which includes:
Open Space
City Facility
Annotation Feature Classes of Open Space, Park, and City Facility was created.
City of Westminster: Make a Map Series for general uses (grid 3300x5100 ft)
Use ArcMap tools and ultilize the big map above (36x38 inches Property Map) and a grid layer (3300x5100 ft) to make a map series which contains 81 maps (81 grids) displaying: parks, open space, streets, facility, ... for department general uses.
City of Westminster: Convert Land Survey Descriptions into Polygon
Use ArcGIS COGO Traverse tool to convert legal descriptions into property polygon.
City of Westminster: Equestrian Trails Proposal at Standley Lake - Regional Map
This map show the regional location of South Standley Lake, proposal equestrian trail project area.
City of Westminster: Sampling Points
Create a point feature class that contain the water and soil sampling points for Westminster Hills Open Space.
City of Westminster Sampling Points - Regional Map
This map show the regional location of the sampling location. Dissolve method was used to dissolve the parcel boundaries of Westminster Hills Open Space.
Map of Harvestable Timbers Of Tongass National Forest
This is a map I designed (using ArcMap) for my GIS Spatial Analytic course. It shows the harvestable forest based on three criteria, and based on values.
Population density maps, Tri - Metro Area
This is a map (ArcMap) of Oregon Tri - Metro area's population density with different classification schemes
Wild Tiger Range
Used data from World Wildlife organization and QGIS to make the map showing the historic and current range of wild tiger.
Data Source:
Geo-Referenced Geologic Maps
Used QGIS to geo-reference geologic maps (from original pdf files) of the Front Range Area.
WildFire Study
Analyzed and predicted post wildfire processes. Using GIS to plot the burnt area. Picked out criteria (slope, proximity to the fire) to choose the best sites to install GPS and Time lapse camera stations in order to have better observations of the post fire processes.
(Refresh the page if it would not load)
Snow hydrology Study
Estimated the amount of water stored in Snodgrass Mountain, Crested Butte, Colorado. Used ArcMap to analyze and visualized the potential locations for collecting data based on elevations (Low, Mid and High elevation), as well as forested vs open areas. Estimate the area of Snodgrass Mountain (using ArcMap), and use it to normalize our calculations of the amount of water store in snowpack